Kim Kardashian is busy planning her wedding to Kris Humphries — and apparently her long hair was getting in the way.So, this is Kim Kardashian’s new Haircut. It looks pretty; hair always looks healthier after a significant trim. But come on: when I saw the screaming headline “KIM KARDASHIAN CHOPS OFF HER HAIR!” on, I fully expected a pixie—not what my stylist would call “a good clean-up.” Yes, she took off at least a few inches, but because her hair was mermaid-Halloween-wig long before, after the cut…it remains really long. I’m guessing that even friends and colleagues in regular contact with the star, but who don’t follow Kardashian on Twitter (or around with a camera all day), might not have even noticed the cut had it not been reported on the interweb.
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